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Clay Shootout sponsored by Blinn College Alumni and Friends, Buccaneer Alumni Lettermen will be held Friday, April 5

Shootout is the largest fundraiser benefiting Blinn College District

February 12, 2024

The Blinn College Alumni and Friends and Buccaneer Alumni Lettermen associations will host the Blinn College District Clay Shootout, the largest annual fundraiser benefiting Blinn students and programs, on Friday, April 5, at the Boswell Porter 4-H Shotgun Range, 7676 County Road 247 in Burleson County.

Entry fees are $600 for four-person teams and $150 for single shooters who will be assigned to a team. Entry fees include food and drinks throughout the day. Food and drinks will be available for spectators for $20.

Shoot times are 8:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., and 2:30 p.m. Registration will be one hour before shoot time and a safety meeting will be held 30 minutes prior to shoot time. Shooters under age 17 must have their hunter safety certification. Shooters must provide their own shotguns and shells.

Awards will be presented to the top teams and the top male, female, and youth shooters.

“This event is a fun way of providing for students and programs that need our support,” said Hannah Schulz, Chair of the Alumni and Friends Board of Directors. “Every year, our board is passionate in making this event more successful than the last and finding new ways to raise money for Blinn College. We could not have this success without the support of countless volunteers and the generosity of the businesses and individuals in our community.”

Kevin Bosse, Chairman of Buccaneer Alumni Lettermen, said funds raised through the Shootout benefit a host of Blinn programs and students.

“This is a huge undertaking, and we are fortunate to have a lot of volunteers who help, including members of the Athletic Department,” Bosse said. “Their time and efforts are greatly appreciated. Buccaneer Alumni Lettermen is proud to help sponsor the Shootout and we are honored to provide funding for Blinn athletic programs and students.”

Underwriter of the Shootout is Texas KB Utilities. Flight sponsors are Brenham National Bank, Blue Bell Creameries, Paragon Financial Advisors, and Bartlett Cocke General Contractors.

Event registration and sponsorships are still available. More information is available at or by contacting Blinn Foundation Executive Director Susan Myers at or 979-830-4344.

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