Admission Criteria
Applicants must be college ready in all subjects of TSI requirement through assessment or exemption. Applicants must earn a minimum grade of "C" in all required coursework.
Selection is based on the following criteria:
- GPA (15%) - minimum 2.5
- ATI-TEAS - Allied Health scores (46%) You must submit scores for all sections of the ATI-TEAS (reading, mathematics, science, English and Language Usage)
- Completion of general education courses needed for degree (28%)
- Completion of required Science courses:
BIOL 2402 within 5 years of application
and BIOL 2420 or 2421 within 3 years of application - A general category (11%) including letters of recommendation, professional certifications other than RDA, work experience (dental or non-dental), community service*, number of college hours completed, and observation of a dental hygienist.
- *Community service documentation must include the following: organization name and contact information, supervisor’s name and signature, and total hours completed. Must be completed Feb. 1, 2024 - Jan. 31, 2025. No exceptions.
The Blinn College District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or disability in its programs or activities. For information regarding Title IX, ADA, Section 504 and other anti-discrimination coordinators, see Required Notices .