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Blinn Course to Prairie View A&M University Courses

The following Blinn College courses (listed with their Prairie View A&M University equivalents) are available during the fall 2024 semester. For transfer equivalents for other Texas universities, please see the Texas Common Course Numbering System. Please speak to your advisor prior to registration to ensure that courses will apply toward your major or degree plan.

Blinn Course PVAMU
ACCT 2301: Principles of Accounting-Financial ACCT 2301
ACCT 2302: Principles of Managerial Accounting ACCT 2302
AGRI 1307: Agronomy AGRI 2373
AGRI 1315: Horticulture AGRI 1370
AGRI 1319: Animal Science AGRI 1319
AGRI 1325: Marketing of Ag Products AGRI 2321
AGRI 2303: Agriculture Construction I AGRI 1341
AGRI 2317: Agriculture Economics AGRI 2317
AGRI 2321: Livestock Evaluation AGRI 2351
ARCH 1301: Architectural History I ARCH 1301
ARCH 1302: Architectural History II ARCH 1302
ARCH 1303: Architectural Design I ARCH 1303
ARCH 1307: Architectural Graphics I ARCH 1307
ARCH 1315: Architectural Computer Graphics ARCH 1315
ARCH 2312: Architectural Technology ARCH 2312
ARTS 1301: Art Appreciation ARTS 1301
ARTS 1303: Art History I ARTS 1303
ARTS 1304: Art History II ARTS 1304
ARTS 1311: Design I (2-dimensional) ARTS 1311
ARTS 1316: Drawing I ARTS 1316
ARTS 2316: Painting I ARTS 2316
BCIS 1305: Business Computer Applications MISY 1305
BIOL 1108: Biology for Non-Science Majors I BIOL 1108
BIOL 1308: Biology for Non-Science Majors I Lec. BIOL 1308
BIOL 1309: Biology for Non-Science Majors II Lec. BIOL 1309
BIOL 1322: Nutrition and Diet Therapy HUSC 1322
BIOL 1411: General Botany BIOL 1411
BIOL 2401: Anatomy & Physiology I BIOL 2401
BIOL 2402: Anatomy & Physiology II BIOL 2402
BUSI 1301: Introduction to Business MGMT 1301
BUSI 2301: Business Law BLAW 2301
CHEM 1409: Gen Chem Engineering Majors CHEM 1403
COMM 1307: Mass Communication COMM 1307
COMM 2311: Communications COMM 2311
COSC 1315: Intro to Computer Programming COMP 1315
CRIJ 1301: Intro to Criminal Justice CRIJ 1301
CRIJ 1306: Court Systems and Practices CRIJ 1306
CRIJ 1307: Crime in America CRIJ 1307
CRIJ 1310: Fundamentals of Criminal Law CRIJ 2366
CRIJ 1313: Juvenile Justice System CRIJ 1313
CRIJ 2301: Community Resources in Corrections CRIJ 2301
CRIJ 2313: Correctional Systems and Practices CRIJ 2313
CRIJ 2314: Criminal Investigation CRIJ 2314
CRIJ 2323: Legal Aspects of Law Enforcement CRIJ 2323
DRAM 1120: Theater Practicum I DRAM 1120
DRAM 1310: Theater Appreciation DRAM 1310
DRAM 1322: Stage Movement DRAM 1322
DRAM 1330: Dramatics-Stagecraft DRAM 1330
DRAM 1351: Acting I DRAM 1300
ECON 2301: Principles of Economics (Macro) ECON 2301
ECON 2302: Principles of Economics (Micro) ECON 2302
EDUC 1300: Learning Framework CURR 1300
ENGL 1301: Composition I ENGL 1301
ENGL 1302: Composition II ENGL 1302
ENGL 2311: Technical Writing ENGL 2311
ENGL 2322: Survey of British Literature I ENGL 2322
ENGL 2327: Survey of American Lit. I ENGL 2327
ENGL 2328: Survey of American Literature II ENGL 2328
ENGR 2301: Engineering Mechanics Statics CVEG 2301
ENGR 2304: Programming for Engineers ELEG 1304
ENGR 2334: Chem Engrg. Thermodynamics I CHEG 2334
GEOG 1302: Human Geography GEOG 1302
GEOG 1303: World Geography GEOG 1303
GOVT 2304: Intro to Political Science POSC 2304
GOVT 2305: American Government POSC 2305
GOVT 2306: Texas Government POSC 2306
HIST 1301: United States History I HIST 1301
HIST 1302: United States History II HIST 1302
HIST 2301: Texas History HIST 2301
HIST 2381: African American History I HIST 2381
KINE 1164: Intro to Physical Fit. and Well. HKIN 1164
KINE 1301: Foundations of Kinesiology KINE 1330
KINE 1304: Personal/Community Health HLTH 1304
KINE 1306: First Aid HKIN 1306
KINE 1321: Coaching/Sports/Athletics I HKIN 1321
MATH 1314: College Algebra MATH 1314
MATH 1316: Plane Trigonometry MATH 1316
MATH 1324: Math for Bus. & Soc. Sci. I MATH 1324
MATH 1325: Calculus for Business & Soci. MATH 1325
MATH 1332: Contemporary Mathematics I MATH 1332
MATH 1342: Elementary Statistical Methods MATH 1342
MATH 2305: Discrete Mathematics MATH 2305
MATH 2320: Differential Equations MATH 2320
MATH 2413: Calculus I MATH 2413
MATH 2414: Calculus II MATH 2414
MUSI 1116: Signt Singing & Ear Training MUSC 1116
MUSI 1306: Music Appreciation MUSC 1306
MUSI 1311: Music Theory I MUSC 1311
MUSI 2311: Music Theory III MUSC 2311
PHIL 2303: Introduction to Logic PHIL 2303
PHIL 2306: Introduction to Ethics PHIL 2306
PHYS 1303: Stars and Galaxies PHYS 1301
PHYS 2125: University Physics I Lab PHYS 2125
PHYS 2126: University Physics II Lab PHYS 2126
PHYS 2325: University Physics I PHYS 2325
PHYS 2326: University Physics II (lecture) PHYS 2326
PSYC 2301: General Psychology PSYC 2301
PSYC 2306: Human Sexuality HLTH 1302
PSYC 2308: Child Psychology PSYC 2308
PSYC 2314: Lifespan Growth and Development HDFM 2355
PSYC 2316: Psychology of Personality PSYC 2316
PSYC 2317: Statistical Methods in Psyc. PSYC 2317
SOCI 1301: Introduction to Sociology SOCG 1301
SOCI 1306: Social Problems SOCG 1306
SOCI 2301: Marriage and Family SOCG 2301
SOCI 2326: Social Psychology SOCG 2326
SOCW 2361: Introduction to Social Work SOWK 2361
SPAN 1411: Beginning Spanish I SPAN 1301
SPAN 1412: Beginning Spanish II SPAN 1302
SPAN 2311: Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 2311
SPAN 2312: Intermediate Spanish II SPAN 2312
SPCH 1311: Intro to Speech Communication COMM 1311
SPCH 1318: Interpersonal Communication COMM 1318
SPCH 2333: Discussion and Small Group Communication COMM 2333
SPCH 2335: Argumentation & Debate COMM 2335