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Blinn-Schulenburg offering four upcoming Leisure Learning classes

Signups for Natural Health Remedies, Central Texas Vegetable Gardening, Ranching Organically, Living with Wildlife classes under way

January 2, 2024

The Blinn College-Schulenburg Campus will hold four Leisure Learning classes ranging from natural health remedies to organic ranching. The classes are Natural Health Remedies, Central Texas Vegetable Gardening, Ranching Organically, and Rural Living with Wildlife.

All of the classes will be taught by David Will of Landscape Details. The former grounds maintenance supervisor at San Antonio’s Fiesta Texas, Will has taught continuing education and Master Gardener classes for more than 35 years, including at Blinn-Schulenburg.

Dr. Becky Garlick, Executive Dean of the Schulenburg Campus, said each of the classes will provide a wealth of information and that they are aimed at anyone with an interest in nature.

“David Will is an expert in all of these areas and is exceptional at sharing what he knows with anyone taking one of his classes,” Garlick said. “He has taught numerous popular classes for us.”

A discounted $199 price is being offered to those who sign up for all four classes:

  • Natural Health Remedies, which will meet on Tuesday and Thursday, Feb. 6 and 8, from 6-8 p.m. The cost is $39. Learn about science-based natural medicine preventions and treatments for many common diseases, including arthritis, cancer, heart disease, stroke and more. (Disclaimer: Will is not a doctor, and information is for educational purposes only and not intended to replace information from a physician. Always seek qualified medical advice.)
  • Central Texas Vegetable Gardening, which meets for one class on Thursday, Feb. 15, from 6-8 p.m. The cost is $19. Grow nutritious plants in your garden, back yard, or on your patio. You don’t need a lot of space to grow food for your family.
  • Ranching Organically. Five sessions will be held each Tuesday beginning Feb. 20 from 6-8 p.m. (no class will be held March 12 because of spring break). The cost is $89. This is the organic version of the Landowner’s Guide to Ranching. Topics include corrals, equipment, fencing, grasses, multiple animal grazing, pasture rotation, parasites, soils, weeds and much more. Learn to fatten cattle faster, production losses during drought, reduce expenses, and earn more profit.
  • Rural Living. The course will meet five times on Tuesdays from April 2 to 30, from 6-8 p.m. The cost is $89. Learn about Homesteading on small acreage. Topics include ponds, trees, bees, fruit and nut production, livestock grazing, wildlife management, prairie restoration and more. People with wildlife exemptions will benefit from this course.

For more information or to register for a class, contact Loraine Orellana, Coordinator of Distance and Community Education, at 979-743-5237 or

The spring 2024 course schedule at Blinn-Schulenburg can be viewed at

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