Blinn livestock judging teams win championships at Fort Worth, Dixie National contests
Jhett West is top individual at Dixie National, Lane Hogan second at Fort Worth

February 10, 2025
Blinn College livestock judging teams used a “divide and conquer” strategy as they won championships at the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo on Friday and the Dixie National Collegiate Beef Judging Contest on Saturday.
The sophomore team in Fort Worth placed first in reasons, sheep/goats, and swine; third in horses; and fourth in cattle to win the title there.
Blinn’s freshman team won its championship at the Dixie National contest in Jackson, Miss., placing first in steers and second in reasons and Brahman judging.
At the Dixie National contest, Jhett West was overall high individual, placing first in steers, fifth in reasons and sixth in Brahmans. Kenna Schram was third high individual, including third in Brahmans and eighth in reasons; Carolyne Turner was fifth high, placing fourth in reasons, sixth in steers, and ninth in Brahmans. Luke Domingue was eighth high individual, placing seventh in reasons.
Jenna Lindig was eighth in steers.
At Fort Worth, Lane Hogan was second high individual, placing first in reasons and sheep/goats, and ninth in swine. Grant Kubala placed fourth overall, including third in swine and horses. Maggie Brumnett was sixth high individual, placing fourth in sheep/goats, fifth in swine, and sixth in reasons. Maddox Hartmann was eighth high individual, placing second in goats and fifth in reasons. Cash Dean was 10th high individual, including sixth in sheep/goats.
Ben Isaacks was second in horses. Cayl Doise was fifth in horses, Owen Seidenberger placed sixth in swine, and Shelby Cones was ninth in sheep/goats.
“It’s always a great feeling to get on the road with both our freshman and sophomore teams and find success,” said coach Adrian Austin. “I am proud of the individual progress each of these students have made, and we will keep working to finish the competition year strong.”
Livestock judging is part of Blinn’s Agricultural Sciences Program, which has one of the most active extracurricular programs in the state.
Blinn offers agriculture classes on all its campuses, with the W.J. “Bill” Rankin Agricultural Complex on the Brenham Campus serving as the program’s headquarters.
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