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PTA to PT Degree

Some students are interested in pursuing an entry-level degree in physical therapy following the completion of the AAS Degree in the Physical Therapist Assistant Program. Students who desire to pursue this option should be aware of the following:

  • The primary intent of the PTA Program is to prepare individuals to be employed as a licensed Physical Therapist Assistant, as opposed to preparing an individual for entry into a physical therapist education program.

  • Admission to a Physical Therapist Program (master's or doctoral) requires completion of many more laboratory, science, math and humanities courses than are required for the PTA curriculum. It is recommended that you consult an advisor regarding prerequisite coursework that could apply to either a PT or PTA degree early in your academic experience.

  • As a general rule, the PTA technical courses offered at Blinn do not directly transfer to the physical therapist education programs of most schools.

  • Please visit the CAPTE website for the most up-to-date information and a list of accredited PTA to PT Bridge Programs.

Please note: If you have a felony conviction, it may not be possible for you to achieve licensure in the State of Texas. Most states will not grant licensure to persons with a felony conviction. For more information, contact the Executive Council of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Examiners of the State of Texas.